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Messages - robutmike

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Thanks UKS!

Basically I am making a random dungeon generator. I know how to do this a few ways, but am exploring additional options with TK2D and think it would be really convenient to use the features I love from TK2D.

What if I wanted to build several prefab dungeon rooms made of tiles and load them into the scene at random? I know how to do this with a loop, but it becomes rather tedious setting each individual tile for the various room types. I was wondering if you have any suggestions on how I could make the rooms beforehand (as prefabs) and then load them into the scene when the map is generated (assume I generate the entire map when the player comes into the dungeon). Can I somehow load them into one tilemap? Do they all need their own separate tilemaps that I will then have to align? Will having 20-30 small tilemaps at once be too computationally expensive vs one large tilemap?

Thanks again for all your help,

Thanks! That helped immensely.

BUT! If I want to spawn a prefab at that position that is more than 1 tile in size (say... 2 tiles tall and 1 tile wide) would that still work? Or would I need to spawn it directly at that coordinates using the getileFrac method?

EDIT: I meant specifically tileMap.GetTileFracAtPosition

Hello fine folks.

I am trying to figure out how to instantiate prefabs based on the grid of the tilemap. Right now I can set tiles at a particular X and Y in the tilemap using Tilemap.SetTile but I can't put prefabs into my map at positions relative to those coordinates.

So for example, lets say you have a 10 tile by 10 tile room for your platformer game map. Its totally open in the inside with a wall all the way around it. I want to put a prefab "player" object or "spikes" object etc in the room. I can't add the prefab TO the tilemap obviously, as its not a tile. However, I do want to place it in the room, without resorting to figuring out specific pixel distances if possible.

The only alternative I have found so far is to use the size of the tiles in pixels and then do some crazy multiplication mess, but I am thinking there must be an easier way.

So tell me how you do it (or how you WOULD do it).


I figured out another way to do what I needed to do.

As a further example:

Let's say I want to build two tiles next one another, but I only build the first one, and write a loop to find the first tile and then build a second tile to the right of the first tile's location.

I can do this manually by saying:

tileMap.SetTile(0, 0, layer, tileID); // Build a tile in the bottom left of the tilemap, at the 0,0 location
tileMap.SetTile(1, 0, layer, tileID); //Build a tile to the right of the first tile

However, if I wanted to find the first tile and then get it's X and Y in the TILEMAP not in the worldspace, I cannot find a way to do that. I want to return 0,0 for the first tile, then say something like:

tileMap.SetTile(firstTile.x + 1, 0, layer, tileID);

Does that make more sense?

Thank you,

I am referring to it's position in the grid of the tilemap itself.

For example, the bottom left tile on a 100 wide, 100 tall tilemap, is 0,0 and the top right tile is 99,99.

Does that make sense?


I am having trouble finding a way to get a tile's position relative to the tilemap. For example, getTile returns the sprite ID. GetTilePosition returns the position in world space. I need to get a tile's x and y position in the tilemap.

SetTile sets the tile in the tilemap in this way, not in world space.  Surely there is a way to get this position as well.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much,


I am trying to instantiate a blank tilemap clone into the scene, then fill it with tiles of a specific type. When I tried this before, it worked, but the tilemap prefab was actually edited permanently instead of creating a clone. So each time I generated a map, the map contained the tiles from the old map, as well as the new (with new tiles overlapping old).

Can someone explain how to do this properly? Should I not be using a tilemap except for when drawing in the editor?


Edit: I am a fool. I was not instantiating a new tilemap. Problem solved!

Support / Re: Creating Levels From Script Using Tilemaps and Tiles
« on: December 10, 2013, 10:08:07 pm »
FYI, I figured out how to get this to work.

I needed to create a TileMap prefab and then pass it to my MapGenerator script in the editor (which was attached to an empty "Background" object in the heirarchy). In MapGenerator, I had to have a public tk2dTileMap variable to access that slot in the Unity editor.

Just wanted to leave that info there in case anyone else is trying to figure that out.


Support / Creating Levels From Script Using Tilemaps and Tiles
« on: December 10, 2013, 07:43:17 pm »
Hello Unikron and Friends,

I am currently trying to create a map from tiles using only scripting and prefabs. I would like to use the TileMap in TK2D for this purpose to keep my tiles well organized.  Can you please explain to me in a step by step process how I can do the following:

1. Create a tilemap that is xsize by ysize (lets say 30x30 for our example).
2. Fill every tile with a prefab tile (sprite) that I have already created in Unity or alternately create a prefab using a sprite and scripting if this is easier.

I can currently do this without using the tk2d tilemap, but would like to make the process a bit more clean by using some methods in TK2D.

I am trying to build a platformer which will create random rooms. Once I have built the tilemap and filled it with the default tiles, I will then loop over the tilemap and remove certain tiles to replace them with open spaces to create rooms.

If there is perhaps a better way to do this, I am open to suggestions.

Thank you for any help you can provide.

Much appreciated!

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