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Messages - lassade

Pages: [1]
Support / tk2dUI woking with 2D physics
« on: December 24, 2013, 02:53:13 pm »
I got some of the UI working with the new unity 2D physics, all i did was add the code below to the RaycastForUIItem method in tk2dUIManager script inside the for loop

Code: [Select]
Collider2D c = Physics2D.OverlapPoint (ray.origin, currCamera.FilteredMask);
if (c != null)
return c.GetComponent<tk2dUIItem>();

if you chose to comment the 3D physics part, you can also get the mouse point using

Code: [Select]
Vector2 mouseWorldPosition = currCamera.HostCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint (screenPos);
NOTE: 2D colliders closer to the camera will be triggered first

Pages: [1]