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Messages - meds

Pages: [1]
Hi There!

I love Tk2D and have used it for a couple of my games :D

I have one HUGE problem though when it comes to using tk2d for UI, I really need to be able to render text dynamically but tk2d only supports sprite sheet rendering of fonts, if I could have this feature it would be great because then I could render all sorts of alnguages in the game without resorting to multiple spritesheets.

However since I can't do that I'm experimenting with using Unity's 3D text renderer, it works great except for one small problem (so far): I can't get it to clip in the auto scrollable area, any ideas how I could accomplish this?

Again I really, really want to use tk2d's UI system but I just can't because of this huge limitation.

Support / Re: Change size of an image in the sprite sheet?
« on: January 08, 2014, 03:49:02 am »
Oh that's really strange, I would have thought this would be a much requested feature since it would make developing for multiple platforms much more straightforward.

Right now I have to manually create sprites of different resolutions for every spritesheet platform, it's fine since I can keep doing that, just surprised people don't think it would be nice to have it automated in the workflow to avoid having to change the size of sprites themselves when creating spritesheets for multiple platforms :-/

Support / Re: Change size of an image in the sprite sheet?
« on: January 06, 2014, 11:20:07 am »
Will it ever be possible?

Support / Change size of an image in the sprite sheet?
« on: January 06, 2014, 11:14:29 am »
I have several images in a sprite sheet, some are quite large (such as 1024x1024 and 512x512), I'd like to minimize some of their sizes (like make the 1024x1024 imported as a 512x512 or something).

Can I do this automatically somehow?

Pages: [1]