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Messages - Harrs

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Tilemap not building collider, NullReferenceException
« on: March 09, 2014, 07:40:01 pm »
It created a new (empty) RenderData.

I ended up remaking the tilemap as it wasn't too complicated, but forgot to save an instance where it was still broken so I can't mess with it anymore, sorry about that!

Support / Tilemap not building collider, NullReferenceException
« on: March 08, 2014, 05:39:15 pm »
Hiya! I was using the tilemap and had this pop up, after poking around for a bit and trying to figure out what's going on I can safely say that I have no idea.


When I hit commit or edit on the affected tilemap it gives the errors in the attachment. When I hit "Edit" it looks like it works normally, but erases tiles no matter what mode is on, and hitting ctrl+z doesn't do anything other than throw another copy of the same error. On the other hand when I hit "Commit" nothing happens, the render data is unaffected and no collider is created. What I originally thought caused the issue was when I accidentally tried to ctrl+z immediately after starting editing the map, which is when the errors started appearing, but after trying the same thing (after backing up this time) on another tilemap in the scene it worked fine. They use the same editor data and tile map data, the only differences are position, dimensions, and the tiles themselves. Every other tilemap in the scene works perfectly, it's just this one.

So other than that, I've been trying to see if I can just use the (intact) render data with another tilemap, but hitting the unlink button on a tilemap doesn't do anything, and the box is grayed out so I can't drag another render data into it. That's probably a completely seperate issue, but it's worth bringing up.

I really love the 2D toolkit so far, people have been saying it's the best money they've ever spent on a unity plugin and I have to agree. Thanks for taking the time to read this!

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