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Messages - EddyL

Pages: [1]
So I should just wait for the update then, thanks!!

I got this message when flipping an animated sprite after a collision with a Box Collider
Destroying object immediately is not permitted during physics trigger

void OnCollisionEnter (Collision collision)
      anim.FlipX (); // Seems to be the source of the problem

My Animated Sprite uses the "BoxTrimmed" Collider..

Anything I am missing here??
Sorry, and thanks!!

 :-[ :-[

I mistook it with OnTriggerEnter.. Sorry.. Damn.

As the title says, I have a character (AnimatedSprite) moving from one platform (Collider) to another.
I need it to be able to stand on it and yet do something when arriving at some specific collider.
In order for OnTriggerEnter to be triggered, I am gonna need the isTrigger set to true, but whenever it is set to true(enabled) it would just go through other colliders.

Any suggestion? What am I doing wrong here?
Im sorry since I am new to Unity..


Pages: [1]