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Support / Re: Cannot Get Raycast to Hit Using Tilemap Mesh Collider
« on: April 23, 2014, 11:36:13 pm »
Sweet!  Working now.  Thank you very much.

Support / Re: Cannot Get Raycast to Hit Using Tilemap Mesh Collider
« on: April 23, 2014, 02:08:27 pm »
I can't find a way to build the tile map with 2D physics.  Is there a setting somewhere that I'm missing?

Support / Re: Cannot Get Raycast to Hit Using Tilemap Mesh Collider
« on: April 22, 2014, 04:18:30 pm »
I'm trying to create a platformer, and trying to use the character controller at https://github.com/prime31/CharacterController2D 

When using the generated mesh collider on the tilemap, the player falls through the platform.  When I delete that mesh collider and manually add a box collider to the chunk, the player does not fall through. 

I think I have narrowed it down to raycast not hitting on the mesh colliders, but hitting on the box collider, but I don't know where to start on addressing that.  I don't think tilemap.GetTileIdAtPosition( worldClickPos, layer ) is the solution I'm looking for in this case.

I apologize, I'm new to Unity and tile maps, so I'm sure I'm missing something here.

Support / Cannot Get Raycast to Hit Using Tilemap Mesh Collider
« on: April 21, 2014, 10:37:56 pm »
I've spent a couple days on this, tried everything, I can't figure out what I am missing here. 

I create a tilemap fine, and the mesh collider on the chunks looks good in the editor window, but when I run the game I cannot get a hit with a raycast.  If I manually put a box collider on the chunk, however, I have no problems getting the raycast to hit.

Not sure where to start.  In the sprite colleciton, I've tried every possible combination of collider settings.  Also tried all combinations on the generated mesh collider.  Still no luck.

Support / Re: Tilemap Sprite Collection "has no sprites"
« on: April 09, 2014, 08:33:06 pm »
Thanks.  I had no luck recreating and reindexing everything, so I created a fresh project to try it there.  It worked there, so I copied the prefab and data folder for the sprite collection to the existing project.  That at least got the sprite collection showing up in the dropdown again.  However, no images were showing up in the palette of the tilemap, and the tilemap editor buttons in the scene design were not there.

I completely re-imported the 2D Toolkit asset for the existing project (Asset -> Import Package -> Custom Package (and select the download location of the asset) and things seem to be working as expected now.

Thanks for your time.

Support / Re: Tilemap Sprite Collection "has no sprites"
« on: April 09, 2014, 03:37:53 pm »
Thanks for getting back to me.  Here is a link to the zipped archive:  [Removed Link]

I'll leave it available until you post again.  I apologize, the project is a bit of a mess at the moment, I'm playing around with stuff.

I removed the main camera and added a tk2d camera, and since I did that I can't even get a sprite collection that I create to show up in the tilemap dropdown, much less work with the tilemap.

The scene I'm playing around with is Level1_Foo2.  The current sprite collection I am trying is IcePlatformerSpriteCollection, at the top level of the assets.

Thank you.

Support / Tilemap Sprite Collection "has no sprites"
« on: April 09, 2014, 02:31:13 am »
I'm trying to create a new tilemap.  I've followed the following tutorials:


I create the sprite collection, add the sprite sheets, set the config values, apply, commit, and everything seems good.  The problem is when I create the tilemap.  When I try to change the sprite collection value in the dropdown in the tilemap settings, I get the message:

Sprite collection 'spritecollectionnamehere' has no sprites

As far as I can tell, it does though.  Any ideas?  I've exhausted mine.


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