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Messages - wtrebella

Pages: [1]
A "rebuild all sprites" button would be great. Ideally, the way prefabs are handled would be fixed, but I understand that may not be possible. A button to rebuild sprites would be a wonderful temporary solution. Thanks!

Oops, didn't see that you had responded, sorry. Yeah here you go. [removed link]

Hey so I was having the same exact problem and I finally figured out how to repro it. I just tried it multiple times, exactly as written below, and it worked every time.

Unity 4.5.2f1 (pro)
2D Toolkit 2.4.0
Mac OSX 10.9.3
2013 27" iMac

  • Create a new project
  • Import 2D toolkit
  • Delete Main Camera
  • Create a tk2dcamera from the Create dropdown in the Hierarchy
  • Import a texture (I just imported a white square png)
  • Create a new Sprite Collection
  • Set the Sprite Collection Physics Engine type as Physics 2D
  • Add your imported texture to the collection
  • Set the sprite's collider type as Polygon
  • Commit Sprite Collection
  • Create new tk2dSprite in scene using the Create dropdown in the Hierarchy, and set it to the sprite you created
  • Drag the sprite in the scene to the Assets folder to create a prefab of it
  • Open the Sprite Collection editor and commit it again
  • Press play, then stop
  • Sprite disappears from scene in edit mode

Please let me know if you're able to repro!

Pages: [1]