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Messages - grechzoo

Pages: [1]
I have ambitious plans for having a looping but fairly long animated background, I'm talking 5-10 seconds loop, so we are talking 240 background images in the least.

I'm just wondering, if this is possible, where do the textures go in a 2D unity project? the ram? or the gpu ram? what about laptops that have hardly any gpu ram, does unity know to put it into the ram instead.

And is it possible to even play 24 hi res images per second (remember again, I'm not talking 1meg+ pngs, but jpegs that will be around 200k per image.)

Is this just a totally stupid idea overall? i can accept that as the answer if it is.

Also I'm posting here because I wonder if 2d toolkit has any features that may help with this ambition.

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