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Messages - TimB

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: How do camera overrides scale?
« on: February 01, 2014, 05:47:39 pm »
Yes I am trying to display pixel perfect in all aspects ratios.  So, if I use either Closest Multiple of Two, or Fit Visible, that is still not going to give me pixel perfect at 2048x1536 with my 4x assets correct? 

I guess what I'm asking is, since the camera is scaling what is the best way to get my assets pixel perfect at 2048x1536?  How do I know what size assets I need to make so they are pixel perfect at 2048x1536?  Once I figure that out, can I just set them as my 4x assets even though they will not be 4x assests?  I hope I'm making sense.  Thanks

Support / How do camera overrides scale?
« on: February 01, 2014, 03:34:09 am »
I know there are tons of posts on supporting multiple resolutions and aspect rations, but there is one thing I don't think I am quite getting.  We are setting up our game in 960x640 and we want to support 960x640, 1136x640 and 2048x1536.  We are going to use 2x assets for the lower devices and 4x for the 2048x1536.  We are using the default override of "Fit Visible". 

On 960x640 it's pixel perfect, on 1136x640 it's pixel perfect, on 2048x1536 it zooms in (or something) so the 960 wide fits the screen with extra space on the top and bottom.  Will 4x assets be pixel perfect with that override, or do we need to adjust the assets to compensate for how the camera is zooming in?

Hope that makes sense.  Thanks for any information.

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