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Messages - roybraym

Pages: [1]
Support / I Did not receive 2DToolkit Asset and its license
« on: September 05, 2014, 11:47:53 am »
I did not receive 2DToolkit Asset and its license.  Maybe because it prompt me to Open in Unity after my successful Paypal payment.  The first time I clicked that Open in Unity, it says: "License expired". I was just about to get the asset and its license, how come it's expired already?  The next time I clicked Open in Unity, my laptop crashed. The same thing happens when I clicked Asset Store inside Unity.  I badly need my 2DToolkit asset and license.  Please give it now.  You know, I just bought Texture Packer from the store.  They gave me the download link for the license.  Maybe it's better like that because there's no computer crash involved.  I can give you the paypal receipt details regarding the successful purchase of 2DToolkit.

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