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Messages - tlcruiser1970

Pages: [1]
Support / Static Sprite Batcher Loosing Normals
« on: May 25, 2012, 04:55:49 pm »

I have a sprite collection where I am gernating normals, but when I commit them to a static batcher they are being lost.  Is this expected behaviour?  Can I edit the static sprite generator script somehow to include normals?  Is there a script I can run in the editor somehow to add normals to the mesh the static sprite gernerator creates?   

I want to use a lit shader so I can create a level where the lights go out and my platformer has to use a flashlight.  Maybe there is a better way.

I tried searching the forum, but could not find anything.  Its hard to search for the word normal, so many people use it for questions, like is this normal?

Pages: [1]