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Messages - trlanfeng

Pages: [1]
Thanks for your answer . But if I need to start a new game , I can't find the default tilemap anymore ?

I'm finding the way to build my game , I see 2D TOOLKIT support tilemap . I have a question and I didn't found a answer in Script Reference , so I hope get some help in the forum .

For example ,
The tilemap I had finished the tilemap in the editor , as default , the position of 1,1 is an NPC named "A" , when game is running , the player get 1 coin , then the NPC change to B .
how to save the changed tilemap ? when the game open next time , at the position 1,1 still is B NPC ?
can 2DTOOLKIT save the changed tilemap to a file or a string , when next time open , load the changed tilemap ?

My English , not very well , I hope you can understand me     :)

Pages: [1]