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Messages - Danim3D

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: 2Dtoolkit UI Camera Layer
« on: April 08, 2015, 01:05:27 am »
To answer my own question here is the solution I found.

On the UI Camera check theses 3 settings :
- Clear Flags = Depth only (this make sure the background is transparent)
- Culling Mask = UI (you need to make sure all your UI element are set with the UI layer)
- Depth = higher value than the first Camera so it will show above


Support / 2Dtoolkit UI Camera Layer
« on: April 07, 2015, 05:49:59 pm »
Hi, I'm looking for information on how to use one camera as a layer for 2Dtoolkit UI and the other Main Camera as a layer for everything else in the game. Also I want the 2Dtoolkit GUI layer camera to always display above 3D mesh polygon object.

I could do this with NGUI but I want to do it with 2dtoolkit UI. I need to use two camera because I want to use different camera Orthographic size for both camera.


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