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Messages - Dasc

Pages: [1]
Have a similar issue with tk2dUILayoutContainerSizer, comes out with stack overflow!

What I've done:-
// Step 1 - Create blank scene
// Step 2 - Drag in "BasicButton" (with layout)
// Step 3 - Create empty game object and add tk2dUILayoutContainerSizer
// Step 4 - create a script to instantiate multiple "BasicButton" from the scene, then adding it to the tk2dUILayoutContainerSizer
// Script
public tk2dUILayout prefabItem;

void Start(){
  tk2dUILayout myLayout = Instantiate<tk2dUILayout>(prefabItem);
  tk2dUILayoutContainerSizer sizer = this.GetComponent<tk2dUILayoutContainerSizer>();

  foreach (tk2dUILayoutItem item in myLayout.layoutItems) {
    sizer.AddLayout(myLayout, item);  <---- produces stack overflow

Pages: [1]