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Messages - wozza

Pages: [1]

I got it working, what I did for anyone who has a similar problem.

1. Import your new package into a new Unity project.
2. Don't play or run it.
3. Save project, not the scene, close Unity.
4. Check for .meta files in finder or windows folder, not the unity project ( shouldn't be any but if there are delete them).
5. Copy the files from the new project folders into the corresponding folder in old tk2droot. Don't copy the folder, copy the files.
6. Copy the new folders in the most recent package to the old package e.g : tk2dTileMap / tk2dUI and so on if you don't have them already in your current tk2droot.
7. Everything should work OK.

I had a conflict with tk2dTileMap so I just deleted the folder and it works OK.


Thank you for your fast reply, I will try it and let you know.

Support / Updating current Unity project with newly purchased tk2d
« on: July 21, 2015, 12:12:10 pm »
Hi Unikron,

We made a game a few years ago and we have tk2d running in it but some of the assets / prefabs are missing components. This game has been handed around to many different team members and I guess it has been ripped and stripped along the way.

So today we purchased the most recent version of tk2d.

What I want to do is update the current project with the newly bought package. However if I just delete the current TK2DRoot folder then all of the connections to the GUI and other things are destroyed.

What is the best way to do this ?

We don't have the account information for the plugin we bought a few years ago and the person who was in charge is no longer with us and he doesn't remember the login details so we can't upgrade using the current package.

My boss wants a new, clean and recent version of the plugin and the old one out, hence why we bought it today.

Any ideas would be a great help.

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