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Messages - dudeofNFL

Pages: [1]
Support / how do I access a different animation?
« on: December 01, 2015, 04:26:40 am »
from unity 3d
tk2dSpriteAnimator anim;

   void Start () {
      animator = GetComponent<tk2dSpriteAnimator>();

public void Jump(){

currently I can access all there animation in this spriteAnimaiotn but how do i access a different spriteCollectionAnimation.
what i did is I added a new clip of animation and change the collection to different and I can access the animation clip but when the animation play, the sprite is too big. I  guess  the question is how can play a different animation in a different animation clip? I cannot just put all the sprite in one spriteCollection since it too big. any help is appreciated

Pages: [1]