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Messages - Juice

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Transfering collections/animations to another PC?
« on: July 20, 2012, 10:17:02 pm »
Once again, excellent support!

I was just dragging and dropping, so I'm assuming that was my problem, thanks!

Support / Transfering collections/animations to another PC?
« on: July 20, 2012, 08:43:34 pm »
Hi, I'm trying to do something very simple, and having no luck.

The animator creates a collection + animation in a folder. He then gives me the whole folder (including spritesheet, atlas, etc).
I add the folder to my unity Assets, rebuild indexes, and now none of his stuff works in my unity. His collections and animations are empty,
and both give an error when trying to access them:
"Invalid sprite collection found. This clip will now be deleted."

So, how do I properly transfer SpriteCollections and SpriteAnimations from one unity project to another?

Support / Re: Number range for AutoFill?
« on: June 18, 2012, 03:39:46 pm »
Wow thanks for the info unikron, didn't expect a response that quick.

We've already decided to just put each animation in it's own collection though, partially for organization too. But your info is good to know in case we decide to use it down the road. :)

In case you missed it, there's an issue we're stuck on that's inhibiting our progress, could you please take a look here?

Thankyou very much! :)

Support / Re: FEATURE REQUEST - Multiple custom anchor points
« on: June 16, 2012, 06:05:55 pm »
I'm actually requiring this right now, as I"m making a 2D shooter, where the head and arm rotates towards your mouse. I need multiple anchor points to properly attach the head and arm onto the animating sprite.

I can't imagine how this would be done using prefabs, as the anchor points are contained within the editor. I'll be happy to make all the modifications myself, if I could be pointed in the right direction.

Could you please give me some tips on how I could setup an additional 2 points unikron? :)
(I can't seem to find where to edit in the code, spent way too much time on this)

Support / Number range for AutoFill?
« on: June 12, 2012, 06:24:28 pm »
Hello, I have giant sprite sheets with 1000's of sprites in them, including many animations.

My problem:
Using AutoFill feature just tries to place every sprite in the SpriteCollection into the animation, which just returns an out of bounds error as my Collections/Atlases are huge. Also, it would be annoying to manually put in 100 frames for each clip/animation.

Would it be an easy change to modify the source somewhere, to allow a range of sprites to be added?
Something like:
[AutoFill] From: [34] To: [84]

I looked around in the source and couldn't even find the autofill button.

Edit: Is this too much of a problem? Or should I just make many small collections? (30 small collections of animations per character, as apposed to 1 big collection of 30 animations per character)

Pages: [1]