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Messages - bboysca

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Camera questions and Gap issues
« on: July 21, 2012, 03:54:24 am »
So this is embarrassing...this was solved with a couple of stupid errors on mine and the sprites behalf.

Thanks for all the help! I'll always continue to support!

Support / Re: Camera questions and Gap issues
« on: July 19, 2012, 01:59:25 am »
Tried disabling it, didn't work :( I just un-enforced editor resolution to show a close up of what's going on, it still shows with it enforced and even with it unenforced in a higher resolution of 1920x1200 which is a lot closer to the desired resolution still doesn't show up right. The Pad Extend method definitely makes it look a better than without, but there are still very obvious lines zoomed out that are a bit distracting.

Could it be the sprites are too small? I tried a 400x400 and 200x200 version of the same sprite and it showed up fine, I also made sure they all had the same properties in sprite collection. ( http://i.imgur.com/3LCtx.png ) I'll actually need even smaller resolution sprites to work because even 200x200 is just too big to work with to try and make levels not look too patterned...

Any other ideas? Thanks!


Side question: Why is it that unticking force editor resolution changes the way my child cameras behave? I actually get a nice parallax effect with it unticked.

Unticked: http://imgur.com/56CJH
Ticked: http://i.imgur.com/RbjDr.png

Thanks again!

Support / Camera questions and Gap issues
« on: July 18, 2012, 07:39:06 am »
Some questions that might be sort of related...

1) I noticed in 11th camera demo that everything was a child of the tk2dcamera in the hierarchy. I'm currently developing and designing starting with the highest resolution of ipad 3 (2048x1536) and plan on scaling down to other resolution for other platforms. Would it make it easier in the future when scaling down to smaller resolution if I have follow the same hierarchy pattern? I'm curious about this because I also have other cameras in the scene (not tk2d, also curious if this matters?) for parallaxing and also wondering if this will affect that. If not what's another good way for me to scale down to lower resolutions?

2) Just finally started with tile mapping and noticed some gap issues. I know this was referenced in the FAQ section but even with setting the Pad Method to Extend some gaps are noticeable (irregardless of the Pad Amount, I tried a bunch of sizes). These issues don't exist when setting the tiles side by side in Photoshop. I wasn't sure if the camera was causing this so I started playing around with a ton of things but nothing seemed to fix to it...I've tried hiding other child cameras, unclicked "use tk2d camera " for the sprite collection, even setting two individual sprites side by side so I know it's just not a tile map issue. I'm pretty sure everything is pixel perfect (still don't truly understand what this means yet, if anyone can help out...) as each of those individual blocks are 100x100 in image size and have a width of 100 in the position in the world.

I unforced the editor resolution in order to see a closeup of the gap...also am I right in thinking that the camera "Size" doesn't change anything in tk2dcamera? I played around with it and doesn't seem to do anything...

I know this is a lot of questions...thanks for the help and awesome work, I really appreciate it!  ;D

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