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Messages - Eldh

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Changing polygon collider when changing spriteID
« on: September 17, 2012, 01:13:29 pm »
it's working, thx !

Support / Re: Changing polygon collider when changing spriteID
« on: September 07, 2012, 07:58:35 pm »
Mhh i tried to use tk2dSprite.AddComponent(...) on an empty gameobject like you said but it does not create a collider at all...
I instantiate my prefab which contain several sprites, then i add the tk2dsprite component to the gameObject (in my prefab) cause only this need to change randomly, but i'm relatively a beginner so maybe i do something wrong ? all this happens on Start.

Support / Changing polygon collider when changing spriteID
« on: September 07, 2012, 11:40:03 am »
So i instantiate a prefab, in this when i change the spriteID, randomly in my case, the polygon collider won't update. It stay the same since the instantiate.
Is there a way to update the collider when i change the sprite ?

Support / Re: animatedSprite and color changing
« on: August 11, 2012, 02:12:01 pm »
oh... sry for that, it was so obvious i didn't think about it. Thx.

Support / animatedSprite and color changing
« on: August 11, 2012, 11:30:47 am »
Hi i'm relatively new to unity and programing so sry if it's a noobish question :)
I'm trying to change randomly the color of an animatedSprite wich is itself instantiate a certain number of time. So i have an array of color and pick up one randomly, but the abimatedSprite appear to be all transparent, without color in the viewport when i it play. But if i choose one color like animatedSprite.color = Color.green it's working.
Code: [Select]
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class spawnEnemy : MonoBehaviour

    public tk2dAnimatedSprite enemy;
    public Color[] colorChoices;
    public GameObject road;
    public List<Transform> spawnPoint;
    private tk2dAnimatedSprite target;
    private int n = 0;
    private int p = 0;
    private Vector3 pos = new Vector3();

    void Start()

            p = Random.Range(0, colorChoices.Length);
            n = Random.Range(0, spawnPoint.Count);
            target = (tk2dAnimatedSprite)Instantiate(enemy, spawnPoint[n].transform.position, enemy.transform.rotation);
            target.color = colorChoices[p];
            target.transform.parent = road.transform;
            pos = road.transform.position;

Pages: [1]