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Messages - borrismoose

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Unnecessary Images Built on Export
« on: January 21, 2013, 04:19:18 pm »
OK, I think I may have answered my own question. Was doing something silly but may be useful for others to know.

I had established links to Sprite Collections from objects in my scene when what I should have done is link to the Sprite Collection Data. Linking to the sprite collection meant Unity had to keep a reference to all of the source assets.

Support / Unnecessary Images Built on Export
« on: January 21, 2013, 03:39:07 pm »

I am making optimizations to a game nearing completion and after checking the editor log post-build, I have noticed unnecessary .png images being exported. These images are used in Sprite Collections but also appear in their native format.

What is strange is, this is only true in some cases. I have quite a few Sprite Collections and for most of them, the source images do not get exported only the atlas0.png file. However, for a few Sprite Collections the source images are also being exported.

I know Unity controls what gets built based on the scene file but I'm sure that these files are not being used outside of 2D Toolkit. Am I missing some reason why they may be exported?

Support / Re: Recovering a Tilemap
« on: September 04, 2012, 07:09:41 pm »
So the tileMapData does not store a data structure that describes the composition of the tilemap? Because as I understood it, tileMapData stored pretty much that and the editor data stored settings used by the editor pane? Although looking through the source seems to indicate otherwise.

I am confused now, when a tilemap is in a scene, whereabouts is the tile information stored? How does this work with prefabs / serializing the data. I have managed to make a tilemap and its render data into a prefab (contained within a parent gameobject) and then place it back into the scene whilst retaining the information. Although I did have to toggle the commit button.

Would you be able to recommend an alternate, more source control friendly method of saving the tile information? At the moment we are working within one scene file but we cannot continue with this method moving forward.

Support / Recovering a Tilemap
« on: September 04, 2012, 06:45:11 pm »
I've got a tilemap that I was working on in a scene (consisting of tileMapData and tileMapEditorData) which I am trying to recover because the scene got corrupted and deleted itself.

When I create a new tilemap game object and manually set the two data fields with existing data it does not load the tiles into the scene. I have tried committing and serializing to force the issue but it doesn't load the tilemap information.

It is not the tilemap data itself that causes the problem as if I perform this step with any tilemap data the problem persists, and the other tilemaps I have access to work in other scenes.

Is this known behavior or does a fix exist?

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