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Author Topic: Font Size  (Read 5122 times)


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Font Size
« on: November 19, 2013, 07:46:35 am »
i have a background with a text. at photoshop i matched Arial Bold 15 to this text. at bmfont i generated Arial Bold 15. i used background in an atlas and used font with your font script not imported to an atlas. i used fixed same size and fixed same camera size on both. scale is 1 for all. they use the same orth camera. font is smaller than photoshop. when i generated font with size 18 in bmfont it is ok on unity.

what is wrong with this? which one is correct?


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Re: Font Size
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2013, 12:11:01 pm »
Probably the PPI? Font size 15 in Photoshop isn't in pixels is it?
I've never had to match stuff up like this so I couldn't actually give you concrete suggestions here.


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Re: Font Size
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2013, 12:23:28 pm »
in photoshop it says 15 pt. i want to learn how to apply my photoshop design to unity with 2dtoolkit as pixel perfect. i do not know if image dpi or other things effect this.


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Re: Font Size
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2013, 12:32:58 pm »
pt != pixels.
pt == pixels when at 72 dpi.

You could try setting the text units to pixels in photoshop and work from there, maybe? I'm not sure what else to suggest, as I said I've not really had to do this before.