I absolutely love the plug-ins so far, but I need some help with something specific.
- I have a humanoid character that I exported body parts from.
- I need to leave quite a large padding around the body parts because I want to have different skins, and I don't want the Spine alignments to be off-center.
- But when I leave the Atlas/Collection to be trimmed by 2DTK, it cuts out all the transparent bits, and as a result the UV mapping is a bit off.
- If trimming is turned off, then everything works fine.
However, I do wish to have trimming on, because it saves a great deal of space. My question is - is there a way to reference the Texture's original (frame) width and height before it was trimmed? As well as the offset of the trimmed texture relative to the original? (In order to UV map it properly onto a mesh)
My second question is, is there any way to dynamically generate collections at runtime? Or if there is any similar solution? In that case that I wanted to use the same Spine skeleton for characters, but I want to be able to change their skins?