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Author Topic: Issues with SVN  (Read 4249 times)


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Issues with SVN
« on: September 25, 2012, 02:43:22 pm »
Hello, we recently added another programmer to the game I'm working on.  We're having an issue with sprite collections and animations when we try and merge our code with svn.  What's happening is when he created an animation and checks it in, when I update and load the project the collection he created is broken in my version.  The links aren't there for the collectiondata and editor shows no frames.  The collectiondata prefab doesn't have a material or texture and the animations can't find the collection and delete all their clips.  I'm sure we're missing a step somewhere.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Issues with SVN
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2012, 11:35:16 pm »
Just checking - you do have meta files turned on right?
Also, it might be worth switching to text serialization - its a lot easier to work out whats gone wrong with this on.