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Author Topic: Does tk2dCamera Anchor work with unity's camera ?  (Read 4071 times)


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Does tk2dCamera Anchor work with unity's camera ?
« on: January 24, 2014, 07:40:34 am »
I am having severe problems by playing with camera viewports.

If I use tk2dcamera and change its viewport, it rescales all the objects as shown here.


If I use unity camera, the anchor does not work with it, if change view port.

What should I do ?
Please Help!


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Re: Does tk2dCamera Anchor work with unity's camera ?
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2014, 12:44:27 pm »
Please don't cross post. You've posted the same question in 4 different threads (and on the Unity forum too!) in less than 16 hours. We prioritise questions from registered users, so if you want it to be considered earlier, please register your copy as shown here. http://2dtoolkit.com/forum/index.php?index.php/topic,34.0.html

This has been fixed in tk2d 2.4 as mentioned on the roadmap, a beta of which is due out soon. It does behave differently to how a Unity camera works, as the tk2dCamera makes things pixel perfect all the time - what happens with the new tk2dCamera is that the output is clipped to the region, it will not be scaled under any circumstances like the Unity camera, which makes it much easier to create split screen games, it will be pixel perfect until you tell it not to be.

If you would like this update sooner than the 2.4 beta, please register your copy and request in the private support forum.