Not sure if this is the right place but I have a couple of minor requests: On mobile we exclusively use ETC2 texture compression for all of our atlases. Problem is every time the sprite collections update, they revert back to the TK2D settings. We have some very large projects and having to go through every SC for a build and reset all of this is very time consuming. On this same topic, a button near the "Revert" and "Commit" that was just "Save" to only save the data settings without re-dicing the entire atlas would also save a tremendous amount of time. Most of our atlases are 2048x2048 and diced at 32x32, which can take a LONG time to commit when sometimes all we are doing is updating single polygon collider. Hope you have time to consider these. Cheers!
(Note: for our projects, we ended up adding: ETC2_Alpha and ETC2_NoAlpha to the compression settings, which correspond to ETC2_RGBA8 and ETC2_RGB4 respectively.)