I seem to have a mesh leak in my game. I noticed that memory wasn't being release between scene changes, and after running the memory profiler, it seems that meshes aren't being destroyed.
Take the following example. Running the memory profiler, it shows that there's 34 meshes in the scene at startup. The game plays for a minute, then reloads the same scene via Application.LoadLevel. The memory profiler now shows 69 meshes. This is even after I do Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets. Am I wrong to expect 34 meshes, since I did a scene reload?
Here's a screen shot of the profile after a scene reload. I really don't know what to make of it, other than here's a ton of nameless meshes, with a lot of references, in memory.
I don't know if this is a problem specific to 2D Toolkit, but since 2D Toolkit sprites and textmeshes are the only objects that use meshes, I figured I'd ask here to rule out any possible known issues with the framework. Feel free to tell me to buzz off if this has nothing to do with the framework! But any help in general is appreciated