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Author Topic: tk2d Depth Mask and TextMesh Pro on Windows Phone 8  (Read 4536 times)


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tk2d Depth Mask and TextMesh Pro on Windows Phone 8
« on: October 25, 2015, 12:11:52 pm »
I appreciate this might be outside of what you would generally support seeing as though it involves another plugin but I thought I should ask to see if you might know or be able to point me in the right direction.

I use the tk2dUIMask script with the tk2dDepthMask shader to mask off the top and bottom of a scrollable list. It works perfectly in every scenario except one. On Windows Phone 8 if you minimise your game and then come back, the mask will no longer mask TextMesh Pro labels (everything else is still masked). Once you load a new scene everything is ok again, it’s only the current instance of the scene that you resumed back to that has this issue.

I've got no idea where to start looking. Are you able to offer any advice? I'll take anything!

Thanks as always,


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Re: tk2d Depth Mask and TextMesh Pro on Windows Phone 8
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2015, 01:24:17 pm »
First thing I'd look at is if textmeshpro changes the drawing order after restoring... Or perhaps it assigns a different shader when it wakes.

It must be doing something, or else it could be a random Unity bug (of which there are many...) Post back after you've investigated further and I should be able to offer some direction...