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Author Topic: TK2D Fonts and Order In Layer  (Read 4061 times)


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TK2D Fonts and Order In Layer
« on: November 26, 2015, 07:10:57 pm »
Hello everyone,

I created a TK2D Font for Simplified Chinese that is requiring workarounds I want to avoid.

The pleasant case involves the fonts I already have. Using them I don't have to touch anything.

The unpleasant case involves a font I created using data from the Dengxian font. The Order in Layer parameter results in text rendering under buttons.

A workaround I used was changing the Order in Layer to 1.

This isn't a good idea for a few reasons:
  • I want to touch as little code as possible
  • It isn't easy switching to different layer orders for different fonts
  • This results in the Dengxian font being rendered above things it should not be rendered above.
Is there a way to create a font that will display with an Order in Layer of 0?


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Re: TK2D Fonts and Order In Layer
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2015, 12:20:38 pm »
Hi there,

I don't see why it won't work with order in layer = 0. Please post a repro case in the private support forum and I'll take a look.